SOLACE, art and poetry exhibition

I've been working on something really special. Not long after meeting visual artist Donna Gordge , I discovered that we were making work in response to similar themes - grief and the loss of a parent. I suggested we exchange some work, and create new work out of that exchange. The outcome is SOLACE, an exhibition of art and poetry that opens at Mrs Harris Shop at 6pm on Saturday 18 February . SOLACE is a free Adelaide Fringe event . Mrs Harris Shop is a suburban single room gallery that, yes, used to be a shop before supermarkets became the place we went to buy our groceries and these little shops disappeared. It's a beautiful, light-filled space. Donna's work is on display (including a canopy made out of teabags!), and my seven poems are exhibited alongside. I copied out the poems using a fountain pen on rice paper and I'll be doing some free readings over the duration of the exhibition. Recently I was interviewed by Vision Australia for their new series on emerging ...