Tickets Are On Sale for SIARAD, Spoken Word Theatre

"Reid's delivery is masterful. This is poetry of the best kind." Alice Gorman, Adelaide Fringe Review I am so freaking pleased to announce that SIARAD, my one-woman spoken word theatre event, will enjoy a Comeback Season in September at Studio 166, Goodwood Theatre & Studios. With the brilliant assistance and support of theatre-maker Emma Beech, Goodwood Theatre & Studios, Spineless Wonders and Andy Hunt, I'll present 5 shows across 3 days: Friday, September 17th - Sunday, September 19th 2021. Tickets have just been made available through Try Booking. SIARAD pulses with images of stars and stray dogs, highways with no horizon and mothers with fading memories, a blend of poetry and storytelling with a consistent element of humour and surprise. Here are some responses from those who came to SIARAD at Adelaide Fringe Festival: Such a brilliant show! I loved it!! I forgot I was even in the theatre. Thank you. If you love words and writing, this is just the pe...