Upcoming Performance Dates

photo credit: Pamela Boutros Well hello On Friday I'll be travelling from Adelaide to Melbourne for the Emerging Writers Festival. First up is the National Writers Conference , and I'm looking forward to attending sessions like 'Writing with Emotional Honesty' and 'Deep Listening and Poetic Practice'. I'll also be having a session with my writing mentor, Toni Jordan , which is exciting and challenging and scary but oh god! i am learning so much, not just about writing but also about myself, my areas of resistance and strengths. It's a wild ride. Once the conference is done, I'll be out and about performing some of my work. Melbourne friends have been asking for deets. Here, then, is the itinerary of my liddle poetry performance tour (haha feeling so rockstar!): Swinburne Present Spirit of Punk - an open mic with attitude A free event in partnership with Swinburne Uni and the Emerging Writers Festival, it's an opportunity for anyone t...