What do write when a poet that inspires you was inspired by another poet ..?

It's Australian Poetry Slam Season and we're 3 heats down, 2 to go in South Australia. I was lucky enough to win the 3rd heat. That means I 'll be performing alongside 9 other poets on stage at the Goodwood Institute on 20th September. This will be my third state final. Each performance is different, but they all come with a good dose of adrenalin! The final has always been a sell-out, so if you're keen to go it's recommended you book tickets. If you do what is habitual in Adelaide - turn up on the night hoping to get in, you may be disappointed. You can GET TIX here. Me n Emma Tam ... image: Lucinda Corin I've also been booked to do a feature live performance set at the notorious Spoke N Slurred at The Brick City Bar on Grenfell Street on 30th September. I'm writing some longer work for that, so if you like your poetry longer than 2 minutes, you might enjoy this one! I'm experimenting with form after New Zealand poet Hera Lindsay Bird and A...