Poetry Performance and Opportunities

film-maker and photographer, Pamela Boutros Here's filmaker and photographer Pamela Boutros at the end of our shoot for the upcoming video poem, 'Lost'. Having the opportunity to make a video poem was part of the prize presented to me for winning last year's inaugural Draw Your Swords Poetry Slam. Pamela is working on final edits, and we're going to release it very soon. I can't wait! I'm really happy with the way it's looking, so watch this space for details of where you can view it. In the meantime, you can view my performance of 'Resistance', a love poem I performed in last year's South Australian Poetry Slam finals . Leave a comment if you feel like it. I'm always open to constructive criticism :) Opportunities If you're a writer living in South Australia and have a poem you'd like to submit to the upcoming special online edition of Westerly, then you have until April 20th to get your submission in. Cordit...