The Future's So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades)

photo: elle ds photography Decadent December has dawned. So much I haven’t blogged about. What the hell happened to 2017? My year was dedicated to up skilling and finding employment. That old chestnut. When most of your adult working life has been arts projects and casual/part-time employment in the arts, education and disability sectors, the future can look grim. So I completed a Certificate 3 in Individual Support (Disability and Ageing) and got some work with Tutti Arts , a terrific company making arts accessible to people living with disabilities. I worked a cross a range of programs – visual art, performance and writing poetry. Poetry has been where it’s at this year. It feels like going back to my roots. I remember writing poems as a kid, feeling pride at having set something down that told a story or explored an idea. I wrote a poem about Ned Kelly, about digging, and at fifteen one that asked questions about identity (though at the time I didn’t ...