Audio Stories available in #MicroLitMonth

Spineless Wonders Flashing the Square
This month, Spineless Wonders will  celebrate Micro-literature of all kinds through Microlit Month.  

Each day in July, an audio version of a piece of micro-literature from a Spineless Wonders anthology will be published on SoundCloud and shared through Facebook and Twitter. You can stream/listen to the audio via SoundCloud. 

1st cab off the rank is Angela Myer's 'To and From Your House'.

And #2 is Emma Beech reading 'One Blue Eye' by yours truly.

Other authors include Susan McCreery, Jon Steiner, Shady Cosgrove, Jude Bridge, Richard Holt, Julie Chevalier and plenty others.

#MicroLitMonth. Get on over to Spineless Wonders SoundCloud and have a listen. Better than television, yah?
