Happy Accidents

cut n weave What's the dirt? I'm preparing the ground, soil, dirt to write my first novel. I could have done this a number of ways and one of those ways is the NanNoWriMo way where you write hard and fast for 30 days and come up with some sort of rugged pre-draft novel. And redraft if you dare. Some people do. I didn't. But the process of NanNoWriMo was great in 2012 and taught me that I work well under pressure. Which I kinda knew already. As a commissioned playwright I always enjoy a deadline, and am [usually] only a couple of weeks late. The way I am currently working on this novel is not like WriMo - I'm taking my time and don't propose to have a draft written in a month or even a year. Quite the opposite. I've been writing and researching for 6 months, on and off, working with a mentor who has been teaching me a lot about writing technique, building on what I already know as a playwright. I'm learning a lot about about writing narrative as oppo...